Compare Hi Combo vs Halot One Plus

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3D Printer Hi Combo 3D Printer Halot One Plus

Hi Combo

Halot One Plus

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Buy Filament forCreality Hi Combo Buy Resin forCreality 3D Halot One Plus
Estimated price $469,00 $399,00
Manufacturer Creality Creality 3D
Release Year 2025 2022
Print Volume [mm] 260x260x300 102x172x160
Printer Size [mm] 409x392x477 236x245x416
Weight [kg] 19,14 6,8
Power Loss Recovery YES NO
Maximum Resolution [mm] 0,1
Display Touchscreen 3,2''
Power Supply 390 W
Connectivity SD Wifi Creality Cloud USB / Wi-Fi
Operating systems Windows, Linux e Macbook
Date of registration in the system 2025-01-27 2022-10-11
Release date 2025 2022
Extra features The Creality Hi Combo is an advanced 3D printer featuring the CFS system for up to 16 colors and intelligent filament management. It boasts a robust metal frame, speeds up to 500 mm/s, precise auto-leveling, an integrated extruder design, easy-to-swap tri-metal nozzle, and active vibration sensing for smooth prints. It’s 95% pre-assembled, with a foldable touchscreen, built-in camera with privacy protection, and Creality OS support for a seamless and powerful experience. Creality’s Halot-One Plus printer stands out for its 4K+ resolution that delivers sharp details and consistent surfaces. It features a fast and responsive 5-inch LCD interface, as well as easy-to-use Halot Box software. It offers Wi-Fi connectivity and remote print monitoring, as well as an integrated air filtration unit, a rare feature in this price range. The Halot-One Plus is designed for the prosumer market, combining high quality with advanced features such as Wi-Fi and air filtration. During testing, it stood out for implementing these features at an affordable cost, while maintaining functionality. It features an attractive design with a UV-resistant blue cover and a robust dual rail system for the Z-axis, ensuring smooth and consistent movements. The large LCD and high resolution of the LCD mask (4320 x 2560) are other strong points, allowing for fine details and textures in prints.
Support for multiple colors and materials (AMS and CFS) YES NO

Notes *

Cost-benefit 8 / 10 8 / 10
Hardware 6 / 10 1.4 / 10
Tela . .
Print volume 4 / 10 3 / 10
Performance 4 / 10 9 / 10
 [BUY Halot One Plus]


In conclusion, both the Creality Hi Combo and the Halot One Plus offer distinct advantages tailored to different user needs in the 3D printing market. The Hi Combo, being a newer model with a larger print volume, advanced features like the CFS system for multi-color printing, and support for intelligent filament management, is geared towards users requiring versatility and speed. Its robust build and power loss recovery feature further enhance its appeal for serious 3D printing projects.

On the other hand, the Halot One Plus provides an exceptional value for those focused on high-resolution prints, with its remarkable 4K+ capability ensuring detailed results. It is compact, lightweight, and integrates features such as air filtration and Wi-Fi connectivity, making it suitable for prosumers who prioritize quality without compromising on space and convenience.

Ultimately, the choice between these printers will depend on your specific requirements—whether you value advanced features and a larger print volume offered by the Hi Combo or the high-resolution capabilities and compact design of the Halot One Plus, both models represent strong options in their respective price ranges.