Compare Ender 5 Max vs LD0002H

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3D Printer Ender 5 Max 3D Printer LD0002H

Ender 5 Max


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Buy Filament forCreality Ender 5 Max Buy Resin forCreality 3D LD0002H
Estimated price $769,00 $230,00
Manufacturer Creality Creality 3D
Release Year 2025 2021
Print Volume [mm] 400x400x400 82x130x160
Printer Size [mm] 649x721x850 201x221x403
Weight [kg] 25,9 8,3
Power Loss Recovery YES NO
Maximum Resolution [mm] 0,1 0,051
Display Touchscreen 4,3'' Touchscreen TFT 3,5''
Power Supply 1250 W 40W
Connectivity USB, Wifi SD
Operating systems Windows Windows, Mac, Linux
Date of registration in the system 2025-02-18 2021-04-15
Release date 2025 2021
Extra features The Ender 5 Max by Creality features a 400 x 400 x 400 mm build volume, a rigid aluminum frame, and 36-point auto bed leveling. With speeds up to 700 mm/s, it boasts a hardened dual-gear extruder and a 1000W heated bed, reaching 80°C in just 200 seconds. It supports remote management via WLAN, a tri-color status indicator, and quiet operation, making it ideal for high-precision, high-productivity 3D printing. The Creality LD-002H stands out with its 130 x 82 x 160 mm print volume and 2K monochrome screen, increasing print speed and detail. It includes an air filtration system, a metalized print plate for better adhesion, and compatibility with the ChiTuBox slicer. With an intuitive touchscreen interface and linear guide on the Z axis, it ensures precision and ease of use.
Support for multiple colors and materials (AMS and CFS) NO NO

Notes *

Cost-benefit 7 / 10 8 / 10
Hardware 5 / 10 0.6 / 10
Tela . .
Print volume 4 / 10 3 / 10
Performance 6 / 10 9 / 10
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